Mathias, an adventurous individual, went seeking new territory and traveled to Marshfield, Wisconsin. Accompanied by a friend, he walked from Marshfield to Poniatowski, Wisconsin, in Marathon County. Here Mathias bought land. One area included 4 - 80 acre section, another section, 2 - 40 acres running south and west and a third portion on which the home farm and business was to be developed,
This area included 3 - 40 acre sections running north and south.

On March 30, 1882, his family moved to Poniatowski. With his sons, Joseph and John, he set up his business enterprises, known as Braun and Sons Lumber Company. A sawmill was built, and lumber was cut and broom handles made.  A blacksmith shop was developed to serve their needs and those of the community. A creamery was built and run by his son, Anton. This work was not conducive to good health, and consequently resulted in illness and an early death for Anton.

Frank Braun and brother, Louis, had to log parts of the 4 - 80 acre section each year to pay the $1.00 poll tax. A task they disliked very much.

In 1889, the house which had been built for the family burned to the ground because of a chimney fire. Mathias dashed to the upstairs to save some of the things. He ripped off the doors and tossed them out of the window. Anton was severely injured when one of them hit him as he was rescuing articles from the basement.

The building used for making broom handles was plastered and served as living quarters until a new house was built. Construction was completed in 1891.

Logs, lumber and broom handles had to be hauled with wagons or sleds to Wausau, a distance of about twenty five miles. This was a great hardship and very time consuming since it took a day to go and a day to return.

John Braun told how on these winter trips they took their sandwiches along to eat when they arrived in Rib Falls. In the winter to prevent the food from freezing, it was placed under the blankets on the backs of the horses.

About 1891, the Soo Line Railroad began service into Athens, a village about six miles from Poniatowski. This was the determining factor in the move of the company to Athens. However, Mathias continued to live on the farm.

In 1907, the company name was changed to Braun Bros. & Co, but was still run by Mathias and sons, Joseph and John.

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